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09 May, 2022 Blog

Should We Believe in Angel Numbers?


Believing angel numbers or not is entirely your choice. But sometimes, knowing what angel numbers are and how they help people by conveying messages from the universe, you may like to believe in them. People with spiritual beliefs are open to learning and understanding signals and messages they get through angel numbers. 


What are angel numbers in numerology?

Numerology is a pseudoscience, a theory of numbers that can reveal one's weaknesses, strengths, and power to do something. Based on life path number, you can manage your work, onset new projects, delay currently scheduled events, etc. the ancient numerologists believed that numbers have energetic vibrations that impact the outer world. Numerology relates to astrology. In astrology, the palm readers focus on the placement of stars and planets in one's life and, based on them, provide a life theory of future, past, and present. But in numerology, numbers connect one with past, present, and future events. 

Likewise, Angel numbers also relate to numbers and are connected to numerology. Numerology works on life path numbers calculated considering an individual's birth date and name. Hence, each individual has a specific life path number as per numerology. But angel numbers can be double, triple, four digits, or even in a sequence. And cannot be calculated but may come across them anytime, anywhere. 

Life path numbers are specifically created for an individual taking into account birth dates, names, specific days, specific moments, etc. But angels' numbers stay unknown till you encounter them. 

Angel numbers like 2.22 am on your watch, 8888 on a car number plate, 777 in slot games, 44.44 rupees on your bill, etc., are believed to be a piece of good luck. And messages are delivered by the universe to make you aware of certain events that may take place or are related to ongoing events. 


Why Should We Believe in Angel Numbers?

In the first place, there is no hard and fast rule to believing in angel numbers. People who understand numerology and possess spiritual beliefs feel great stumbling upon angel numbers. 

Our life is full of odds, ups and downs, laughter and tears, and good and bad events. In between all these emotions and life's facts, we often seek measures to alter our days, overcome bad phases, polish our fortune, etc. Everything is believed to be decided and planned from the first moment we land on this earth. God, above all, has specific plans for each individual. Life is a mixture of positive and negative thoughts and incidents. Often it takes longer to overcome a lousy phase, and there enters astrology, numerology, and angel numbers for many as solutions to hold them tight and intact in such situations. All these terms relate to science and theories that help make predictions and find answers to your queries.  

Back to start, if we should believe in angel numbers. Suppose you succeed in doing something and your method works, and you feel confident. You may repeat it. Similarly, if you get solutions to your queries from these angel numbers, you may believe in them. To believe in angel numbers, you need to accept the occurrence of spiritual lives like angels. Have you seen angels in real life? Maybe not, but if you believe in spiritual life, an angel may exist for you. 

If you can recall, before you knew angel numbers, you may often feel seeing something or crossing a specific thing that something good or bad may happen. You must feel your inner instinct is communicating with you, and if it happens as you guess, you believe your inner intuition. Some people have strong instincts. Angel numbers are similar to your instincts. People who believe in them can read their hidden messages. 

There is no harm if you do not believe in them. But suppose you can read the messages delivered by these numbers. In that case, they may prove helpful in several ways, like preparing for an upcoming opportunity or struggling period, working upon to live your desires. It may be the right time to turn back to complete pending projects, find your soulmate, etc. It's not that a single angel number can depict the same message to every individual. It may differ from person to person. It signals something good happening, or tight your belt to welcome a challenging phase. 


How to recognize angel numbers?

Angel numbers usually occur in a sequence or pattern like 222, 22.22, 2.22, 2222, 1234, etc. Mainly, people believe in repeating the same digits in any form. Pattens like 1234, 789, etc., have less focus. But when you come across them repeatedly, it leaves a message for you, and you need to comprehend them. 

Angel numbers are not set or planned. It may happen anytime, anywhere. The only thing you need to understand is them. For instance, seeing them on a vehicle's number plate, in your watch, on a bill, a garment price, salary payout after deduction or adding incentives, etc. In short, it should occur naturally, and you cannot arrange for them to see, like setting your alarm at 5.55 am. 


How to understand messages delivered by angel numbers?

People need to believe in angels and their delivered messages through angel numbers. As we mentioned earlier, a single angel number may provide different signals to every individual. But in the end, it means to alert you of something good happening or be prepared to stay strong. Below are listed some standard messages. You can read and follow them to understand. 

000 - Either an awaiting opportunity or a new opportunity may knock on your door soon. Close your eyes and focus on whether you had such plans or get ready to welcome the unexpected one. The end will be suitable as you get unlimited support from angels. 

111 - You can set it to fly high. It's time to live your aspirations without fear and limitations. The angels say trust your intuition and work upon it. 

222 - You need to find stability in your present life. Reassess your priorities and plans created. The angels want you to find steadier footing. 

333 - It's time for you to explore more and dig deeper into your life's purpose to attain higher degrees of success.  

444 - Get ready to face the things that are compulsory for you. Focus on your willpower and trust yourself to challenge the upcoming ride. 

555 - Be positive. The angels signal your time for transformation and the emergence of a better path. All happens well only when you set out to take the following steps. 

666 - It is mainly believed to be a beast number, signaling negative things. You need to be optimistic and shift your perspective to find the best out of waste and control negative thoughts to stay peaceful in your most challenging period. A positive and determined mind is a way to overcome challenges peacefully. 

777 - Your good days are here. It's time to reveal your hidden talents and believe in yourself. 

888 - It's time to enjoy the fruit of your hard work. Things are settling down in your life, and you have discovered a higher purpose. Hold some and let go of a few responsibilities that are not meant for you to carry.  

999 - Say goodbye to a few things in life and welcome new ones. It's time to close some old chapters, leaving room for new pages to add to your life. 


Final thought

Astrology and numerology can be your part of life only when you believe in the movements of stars that can affect your life and have spiritual beliefs. Studying these terms can often be supported magnificently, but driving the entire life based on these two is not always significant. 

If you ever like to enter the world of numerology, feel free to contact top numerologists at Matka Pandit Numerology - a trusted way to read your life incidents connected with numbers surrounding you.



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